What is FrogLube?
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Breaking down the difference

Photo : Defense Marketing Group
FrogLube is the only firearms care products company that uses exclusively bio-based and food grade ingredients to meet existing firearms operating and care requirements.
FrogLube products are engineered to deliver a ‘tangible and immediate enhancement’ from the initial use of the product and also produce a succession of following benefits resulting from the switch to bio-based care products.
Weapons lubrication and cleaning products are MANDATORY to the proper operation and maintenance of a firearm. The use of gun care products is NOT AN OPTION. People have become accustomed to choosing products based on minimal criteria, such as friction reduction and corrosion resistance. The FrogLube bio-based/food grade combination adds non-flammability, non-toxicity, anti-oxidation, non-hazardous, de-carbonizing, all-temperature performance and long-lasting durability to this list.
The use of BOTH a degreasing solvent and a lubricant for complete firearms maintenance is REQUIRED, not OPTIONAL.
Professional references are replete with this mandate found in U.S. military technical manuals to NRA instructional materials, firearm manufacturers maintenance and troubleshooting manuals, and gunsmith and armorer student guides.
Simple logic precludes the concept of a single product that can simultaneously perform both the task of degreasing and of lubricating. How do you remove an observed excess of a product by adding more of the same product? Simple wiping does not have a penetrating effect if excess happens to seep down between moving parts. What about the lube you cannot see? How do you winterize your firearm when excess lube and fouling must be removed before encountering freezing temperatures?
FrogLube’s two product system has been designed to attack the excess problem in two ways. First, the degreasing solvents and super degreasers are water based and penetrating. They work against sticky and gummy residues by breaking them down into emulsified, diluted fluid which is easily removed by high-velocity air and drying. The second part of reducing excess lies in the fact that FrogLube Extreme and Paste products absorb into metal. Once your lube has been installed, the excess may be wiped off and a clean, dry slick surface remains. No filming or dust collecting can happen since there is nothing to stick to. All FrogLube Extreme and Paste products are ‘heat sensitive’ and will reappear once the firing sequence begins. Lube is now going where it’s needed; the hot, moving surfaces of your firearm.

Photo : Defense Marketing Group
The FrogLube system is an active enhancement that works to meet or exceed the firearms manufacturer’s stated operating specifications and precisely adheres to all instructions and operating manuals. By eliminating variance, true professionals realize that consistency will translate into improved shooting performance.

Empirical testing is necessary to measure a gun care product system for its impact on shooting performance.
Elimination of variance is the stated goal of FrogLube’s performance-based system. FrogLube’s approach to product design is attenuated to the testing of select shooting parameters.
Traditionally, gun care product development occurs inside of a sterile laboratory using machinery testing methods applied to bits of metal under UNREALISTIC test conditions. This practice is not fully compatible with measuring ACTUAL FIREARMS PERFORMANCE and can produce a performance mismatch.
For example, a product may pass lab tests as a high spin velocity friction protector but may tend to gum up actions or leave unwanted residues which isn’t great for malfunction avoidance. FrogLube’s testing and evaluating procedures have been shaped by the assemblage of select professional subject matter experts including elite special operators, law enforcement personnel, and world-class competitors.
Empirical testing that involves high round counts, malfunction avoidance, and ballistic variance measurements reveal the true values of formulation design, production techniques, and product quality. Testing and evaluating must encompass every conceivable temperature, moisture, air mass velocity, density altitude, and ballistic variable encountered in the field environment.
The close association formed between FrogLube and active and former field operators in elite military units who possessed in excess of 150 years of collective operational experience, including extensive combat tours enabled FrogLube to quickly determine the go/no go criteria for the introduction of a bio-based system to replace traditional petroleum centric gun care products.