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FrogLube v Petroleum
Home / FrogLube Products / FrogLube v Petroleum
Let us explain why biobased products are superior to traditional petroleum for gun care

Photo : Defense Marketing Group
In nearly 10 years of use, these initial results have been repeatedly validated by FrogLube and many industry professionals. We listen to resellers, OEM manufacturers, professional firearms personnel in Law Enforcement, military, instructors and competitors to continuously improve our products to meet the most demanding situations.​​​​​
FrogLube has replaced petroleum in the firearm operating continuum. Experimenting with Non-petroleum, Bio-based mixtures, FrogLube discovered the following shocking results during firearm testing:
No burning
Cleans carbon, metals, fouling, lube, copper & lead
No sticky or baked on residues
No harmful effects on ANY parts or accessories
40% reduction of friction
No oxidation or corrosion

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